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More About Us

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Our humble beginnings...

Event Medical Staffing of Ohio began because we were asked to provide first aid stand-by at a family music festival and some small sporting events. It quickly became apparent that the services we could provide was needed on a much larger scale.

So, Event Medical Staffing of Ohio was born.

Aces of Trades: Thankful Burgess uses emergency care to give back

Drew Bracken: Correspondent 

Newark Advocate: March 13, 2023

NEWARK — Sometimes life’s challenges turn into a successful career.

​“As a kid, I spent a lot of time hunting, fishing and riding ATVs with my friends. I also played baseball," Eric Burgess said. "This was challenging sometimes because of a birth defect that caused a six-inch length discrepancy in my left leg. As a child, I had 17 operations to correct the birth defect. I think because of all the surgeries, medical treatment, and physical therapy, I always thought I would be a physical therapist or orthopedic surgeon.”


Today, Burgess is the owner and CEO of Event Medical Staffing of Ohio.

“I manage the operations, clinical and business aspects of the company,” he said. “And I also work the events as a paramedic. We work all types of sporting events, concerts, fairs, festivals, motor cross, horse shows, industrial settings and film and TV sets.”

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Our team of 40 staff members is composed of highly skilled and certified EMS and Emergency Management Professionals, boasting well over 100 years of combined public safety experience.


We deliver patient care following the protocols and guidance of a Physician Medical Director, enabling us to offer services that extend beyond basic first aid and CPR.


Additionally, we are covered by liability insurance to safeguard both our staff and your event.

Event Medical Staffing Equipment
Event Medical Staffing Trailer
Duck Creek Log Jam
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